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    To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.

    Audrey Hepburn

    Westminster City Council mandates green hoardings

    The City of Westminster are leading the way for urban greening by mandating green hoardings on construction sites across the borough.

    11th March 2022 | By Jessica Wigmore

    Westminster City Council’s new Code of Construction Practice for developers and contractors includes a mandatory requirement for construction hoardings over 50 metres in length to be covered by planting.

    Biotecture have been helping contractors and developers create living hoardings since 2017 and we are seeing demand continue to grow.

    Living hoardings have multiple benefits for our clients, contractors and the local community. For clients they are an opportunity to improve the appearance of the construction site, avoid the issue of graffiti, foster community relations and advertise green credentials.

    Living hoardings Improve air quality by removing dust, dangerous particulates and harmful pollutants from the air. They can also aid biodiversity by providing valuable forage for pollinators such as butterflies and bees.

    We use our PlantBox for living hoardings which is a freestanding, stackable living wall system that has no structural load on the hoardings. PlantBox is manufactured in the UK and made with 100% recycled materials. The system is easy to maintain and can include either a manual or fully automatic irrigation system.

    The Code of Construction Practice includes a requirement to ensure sustainable disposal of green hoardings once work is completed. Our PlantBox system is modular and designed to be easily installed, dismantled and re-installed elsewhere. At the end of it’s life on site the living hoarding can either be re-installed on another project or found a permanent home on the new development. Our living hoarding can also be bought or leased reducing waste.

    Biotecture recently completed a living hoarding on Cundy Street in Westminster and our client, Grosvenor received some great feedback from chairman of the residents association:

    I  would like to take the opportunity to thank Grosvenor for creating a new extensive living wall which will act as the hoarding for the Cundy Quarter development being erected along Mozart Terrace. Literally every single household in the street have called me to say how pleased they were to see this being put in place. No doubt the hoarding will be there for some considerable time so it is pleasing to have a pleasant outlook over plain boarding /fencing. Well done Grosvenor and thank you.

    Bam construction put together this great video showing the installation of their PlantBox living hoarding in Bristol:


    You can find out more about our living hoardings here.
    If you have a specific project in mind or have any questions, please get in touch.