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    When everybody is planting apples a visionary plants oranges.

    Matshona Dhliwayo

    Westminster City School Green wall

    • London, United Kingdom
    • 2009
    • For Bouygues UK
    • 35m2

    Project Details

    • School Living wall on new building extension
    • Requirement of the planning authorities
    • Boosts biodiversity

    This green wall, installed in July 2009, is on the side of an extension to Westminster City School. It was a requirement of the planning authorities, and brings much needed biodiversity into this built up part of London.

    The plant design is made up of evergreen plants, chosen for their tolerance of partial shade conditions. Lavender and Vinca minor give fragrant purple flowers. Evergreen ferns mix with Phormium ‘Back in Black’ to give green and purple foliage. While flowering plants such as Pachysandra terminalis and Sarcococca confusa ‘Sweet Box’ bloom in white through summer.

    To see another example of a Biotecture living wall in a school environment you can visit our ‘Winston Way Academy‘ Living Wall case study.