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    When everybody is planting apples a visionary plants oranges.

    Matshona Dhliwayo

    Silverlink Shopping Park, Newcastle Green Wall

    • Newcastle, United Kingdom
    • 2016
    • For Bowmer & Kirkland
    • 149m2
    • Maintained by Biotecture
    • Publicly viewable

    Project Details

    • Shopping Centre Living Wall in Newcastle
    • Location next to a busy delivery entrance to alleviate air pollution

    The Silverlink Shopping Park is a haven for homeware and fashion shopping with a range of eateries and entertainment venues in the centre of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

    When planning the refurbishment and extension of the existing shopping centre it was very important to consider ways to improve the carbon footprint of the centre as a whole. In addition to offering easy public transport options, and electric vehicle charging points it was also important to use sustainable materials in the build.

    Biotecture Living walls panels are made with 100% UK recycled plastics and the plants are grown in Grodan, a horticulture grade, hydroponic growing medium.

    The Newcastle Green Wall also has the added benefit of providing clean fresh air and the location adjacent to a busy delivery route for the shops means that the plants will offset the air pollution caused by delivery vehicles.

    A simple lush green planting plan was selected by the client with texture provided by Asplenium, Carex and ferns. Elegant arcing shapes break up the length of the living wall and act to soften the rectangular shape of the building. The plants were selected to ensure full coverage of foliage all year round with added interest from small flowering spot plants in the south aspect.

    Biotecture have installed living walls on several retail developments around the UK, to learn about the UK’s largest Living wall installation at the McArthurGlen Designer outlet in Ashford you can visit our ‘Living Wall Attraction at McArthurGlen Designer Outlet’ news article