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    The mere insertion of plants into the built environment can enhance comfort, satisfaction, well- being and performance.

    Biophilic Design

    Cafe Living Wall, Office Canteen, London

    • London, United Kingdom
    • 2013
    • For MEC Global

    Project Details

    • Cafe Living Wall
    • Part of a refurbishment

    As part of a refurbishment of their café area, Biotecture installed two sections of living wall within the MEC office in Southwark, London. The green wall creates a striking addition to the café that can be viewed from the street.

    The planting design includes spots of different plant species, creating a random mix of ferns, ivy and other indoor plants. The long fronds of the ferns contrast with the small, compact leaves of Pilea ‘Sao Paulo’ and Peperomia rotundifolia.

    The Plants in these living green walls are providing clean fresh air in the canteen area of this office. Plants remove VOC’s (Volitile organic compounds) and improve CO2 levels in the air. There is lots of scientific research showing that air quality improvement and more specifically proximity to plants in the workplace has a positive impact on physical and mental wellbeing as well as productivity and creativity. This is particularly pronounced in city areas where access to nature is limited. A living wall  is a great, space efficient way to include lots of plants in an office space without compromising building layout. The living walls have an automatic irrigation system that also delivers nutrients to the plants and Biotecture also offer a full maintenance service to take care of the living wall which means maintenance on the part of the client is limited.

    To see other examples of both indoor and outdoor living walls that Biotecture have installed in offices you can visit our portfolio.