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    To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.

    Audrey Hepburn

    Nestlé Entranceway Living Wall with Logo

    • Tutbury, United Kingdom
    • 2013
    • For Alpha Construction
    • 130m2

    Project Details

    • Incorporates company logo

    Biotecture’s living wall creates a beautiful entrance to the Nestlé factory in Tutbury. Lush foliage sets off the gleaming Nestlé logo in a vivid and memorable way. The sign won the British Sign Awards ‘Architectural Sign of the Year’ in 2014.

    Flowing lines of planting create a dynamic effect; plant species include the sweetly scented Sarcococca hookeriana  ‘Sweet Box’, Tiarella cordifolia  ‘Foam flower’ and Heuchera Marmalade, an interesting new variety with amber foliage.

    To see another example of a living wall with logo signage incorporated with the plants visit our ‘Sky Garden Reception’ portfolio Page