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    The mere insertion of plants into the built environment can enhance comfort, satisfaction, well- being and performance.

    Biophilic Design

    Care Home Living Wall, Harrington Lane

    • Exeter, United Kingdom
    • 2014
    • For Castleoak Group

    Project Details

    • Birdboxes
    • Triangular shape
    • Frames entrance to home

    This living wall frames the entrance to a care home in Exeter. The design includes waves of planting, giving subtle variation. The plants are evergreen, shade tolerant species to suit the surrounding environment and some native species are incorporated.

    The colour palette combines lush greens, mauves, purples, pink and cream, through the use of Bergenia ‘Baby Doll’, Heuchera ‘Palace Purple’, Liriope muscari and Vinca minor ‘Bowles Purple’. Whilst ferns, such as Phyllitis scolopendrium and Polysitchum setiferum, bring texture and movement to the living wall. Nestled in the top of the wall are two bird boxes to boost the local biodiversity.

    You can learn about how Living Walls can help improve the biodiversity of an area by visiting our ‘Benefits of Exterior Living Walls‘ page.