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    To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.

    Audrey Hepburn

    BMW Showroom Indoor Living Walls

    • Park Lane, London, United Kingdom
    • 2012
    • For BMW
    • 65m2

    Project Details

    • Single species planting
    • Bespoke Living Wall panels created to suit clients’ specification

    BMW chose to install several indoor living walls into their prestigious flagship showroom on Park Lane as part of a major refurbishment for their new brand store, carried out in 2012. The plants speak of BMW’s new green agenda, and provide useful air quality benefits for staff and customers, whilst the minimalistic design is intended to keep customers’ attention on the cars on show.

    The planting design is quite particular to this commission, as the client wanted a dense, tight covering of a single species for an understated and minimalist look. Higher than usual density required bespoke panels, cut to meet these requirements.

    Irrigation pipework was air-tested and is of the highest specification due to the sensitivity of pass through locations, including the company’s server room.

    To see another example of a Living wall in a retail space you can visit our ‘smeg Flagship Store Living Wall‘ case study


    Making these new brand stores inviting, showing what is possible, as well as, of course, having cars physically on display is part of that new step: we want to improve the points of touch and offer more experiences for our customers.

    Ian Robertson Board of Management, BMW AG, speaking at the re-opening of the new brand store on Park Lane