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    When everybody is planting apples a visionary plants oranges.

    Matshona Dhliwayo

    A3 Advertising Screen Living Wall

    • London, United Kingdom
    • 2017
    • For JC Decaux
    • 48m2
    • Maintained by Biotecture
    • Publicly viewable

    Project Details

    • Advertising Screen Living wall
    • 2,900 plants

    In 2016 and 2017 Biotecture worked in Partnership with JC Decaux to design and install the companies first digital screen living wall. JC Decaux are committed to innovations with quality, style, functionality and environmental performance which includes low energy usage, air pollution mitigation and use of recycled materials. This aligns perfectly with Biotecture’s own mission statement so a partnership between the two companies was a natural fit.

    The 10m high advertising screen structure is located at the junction between the A214 and the A3 in Battersea, London. Biotecture worked closely with JC Decaux to create a design that would satisfy the planning departments strict criteria. The structure sits on land adjacent to the Gwynneth Morgan Day Centre. The advertising screen overlooks the main road while the living wall on the back of the screen looks out over the day centre offering a pleasant outlook. The 2,900 plants in the living wall help to provide clean air in the vicinity by filtering harmful particulate matter from traffic fumes.

    A planting plan with a naturalistic woodland habitat concept was designed to ensure healthy plant coverage all year round with hardy evergreen species and delicate flowers in shades of mauve and white for seasonal interest.

    Included in the construction contract for this project was a 10 year maintenance period after the installation ensuring that the living wall would be well looked after by the dedicated Biotecture maintenance team into the future. To learn more about living wall maintenance you can visit our aftercare page.

    Biotecture have worked on several projects where our living walls interact with digital display screens. To see another example at the BALI award winning No. 1 Court, Wimbledon, Wimbledon you can visit our news page.