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    To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.

    Audrey Hepburn

    We have an unrivalled track record of working with designers and clients to consider, articulate and integrate high quality vertical green infrastructure into projects.

    Planning for Green Infrastructure

    With you every step of the way

    Properly introduced green infrastructure design brings a multitude of benefits to urban environments. We are experienced at working with clients to help them to realise their visions as place-makers by providing places and spaces that will be good for the planet, good for the soul and good for their enterprises. Our comprehensive design offering includes the following:

    • Scoping studies and recommendation options
    • Provision of Documentation for Planning Submissions
    • Fully Integrated Design Packages

    Other than architects and designers, few people think about architecture and design but many feel it. Those who don’t will have had their sensitivities blunted, even obliterated – and the built environment must carry much of the blame. Lots of people complain about the performance aspects of old buildings but complaints about new ones are even more common. These focus on environmental aspects such as anonymity, sterility or characterlessness.

    Christopher Day Places of the Soul 2014