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    Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.

    Robert Louis Stevenson

    Increasingly, our clients are not only looking for our living walls to transform the finished building, but also to turn their construction sites into more visually appealing environments while the building work is underway.

    PlantBox, our new modular, cost-effective living hoarding system

    New to the market, our revolutionary patented PlantBox system is a freestanding, stackable wall system that has no structural load on the hoardings. Ideal for the construction industry, it offers all the benefits of an ivy screen but with more flexibility and green credentials. It can be quickly erected, dismantled and reinstalled on your next site.

    What’s included:

    • Living wall designed, manufactured and installed by Biotecture
    • Fully planted with mature plants to give instant impact and coverage
    • Irrigation options from manual to fully automatic
    • Optional maintenance package to keep plants looking their best
    • Optional lease hire package

    Available to be bought or leased, our comprehensive PlantBox system is made in the UK from 100% recycled material. It is the ideal interface between construction sites and the public, enhancing the environment and community relations in the process.

    Simple and quick to install, and with a small footprint, it won’t encroach on your site. As all the load is transferred to the ground, only restraint fixings are required. And with integrated irrigation, it can go weeks before a top up is required.

    Entirely flexible, our PlantBox living hoarding can be moved around the site as work progresses. And once the site is complete, it can be relocated to your next project or repurposed for a permanent location.

    We can build the system to a standard height of 2.4m, or we can work to bespoke heights and widths. We can design, supply, install and maintain the hoarding, removing any hassle for you. We will choose the plants most suited to the location of the hoarding, considering sun and shade and the season. The plants are all fully grown when our living green screens are installed so the visual effect and benefits are effective immediately.

    The PlantBox hoarding can either be watered manually by your team or fully maintained by us, which will involve us visiting the site when a top up is required and keeping an eye on the plants to ensure they’re looking healthy.

    Signage can be fixed to our hoarding, enabling contractors and developers to incorporate their logos and messaging, or even offer advertising to a third party.

    The positive impact living hoardings bring to your construction site

    Living hoardings are ideal for screening off building work and vehicle movement and maintaining privacy for the site, while simultaneously providing a greener frontage for those passing by. Hoarding which is densely populated with plants can also reduce the level of machinery and vehicle noise coming from the site.

    Another significant benefit of living hoardings is improved air quality thanks to the removal of dust, dangerous particulates and harmful pollutants from the air by the plants, creating a healthier environment for those working on site as well as those living and working in the surrounding area.

    Living hoardings also aids biodiversity, providing valuable forage for pollinators such as butterflies and bees. The flowering plants, for example, support our declining population of bumblebees by offering them a welcome source of nectar and pollen.

    Living walls offer a far more sustainable choice of hoarding than your average signage, artificial, plastic greenery or photographic panels of foliage, and avoids the issue of graffiti. And rather than being left with waste when the project completes, the plants and panels can be moved elsewhere or even donated to the local community as part of your CSR outreach.

    Watch our webinar

    To watch our ‘on demand’ webinar; ‘Green Construction with Living Hoardings’, please contact us on


    Our living hoarding projects

    Read our case studies to find out more about the impact PlantBox living hoardings are generating on construction sites in London and beyond!

    Farringdon Road Cycle Superhighway
    Our PlantBox living hoarding system is currently being used on Farringdon Road in the City of London, adjacent to one of the capital’s busiest Cycle Superhighways. It incorporates 2,926 plants chosen to reduce air pollution and provide site privacy, whilst fully integrating with signage.

    Bristol Temple Meads
    Three of our living hoarding systems are being used by BAM UK at EG in Bristol Temple Meads. This project is a great example of how our living hoarding system has not only improved the aesthetics of the building site entrance, it has showcased both the developer’s and contractor’s green credentials, taking into consideration the needs of local residents and businesses.

    Canary Wharf – Balfour Beatty
    Our living hoarding is currently enriching a temporary compound in Canary Wharf, where Balfour Beatty is shoring up the riverbank. The 540 plants, which make up the hoarding, are providing a greener view for residents whose homes overlook the site and are absorbing particulate matter to improve air quality. View our portfolio to see how the hoarding has transformed the site.

    Nova Building, Victoria
    Another example of how our living hoarding has helped screen off building work and improve air quality is in a bustling pedestrian hub in Victoria. Watch our installation video to see the transformation!

    Stonecutter Court, Farringdon
    Biotecture designed and installed this green hoarding for repeat client Mace on the construction hoarding of the new Stonecutter Court development.



    Great site team who arrived on the site to undertake the install and were self-sufficient. They completed the works to a very high standard. It was a pleasure to see the team take pride in what they did.


    Contact us

    If you’d like to talk to us about how our living hoarding could enrich your construction site, call us on 01243 572118 or email