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To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.

Audrey Hepburn

Boosting Biodiversity: 7 Effective Strategies for Your Site

Discover how you can make a meaningful impact on local ecosystems with these seven actionable strategies to enhance biodiversity on your site

17th May 2024 | By Jessica Wigmore

The 22nd of May, marks International Day of Biological Diversity designated by the UN to highlight the vital role biodiversity plays in sustaining life on Earth.

Having a diverse range of life on earth is essential for human survival and wellbeing. From the food we eat to the air we breathe, biodiversity underpins the functioning of ecosystems that support life.

The UK is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world. Driven by the loss of our native habitats, including meadows, hedgerows, woodlands, and ponds, it impacts us in many ways including temperature regulation, water availability, crop fertilisation, and our health and wellbeing.

As estate owners and decision makers our clients hold the power to make a significant impact on biodiversity. And the good news is that making a change, no matter how small, will make a big difference.

Here are seven actionable ways you can take enhance biodiversity on your site:

Embrace Permeable Surfaces: Replace traditional impermeable surfaces with permeable alternatives like permeable pavement or gravel. These surfaces allow rainwater to infiltrate the soil, supporting plant growth and replenishing groundwater levels.

Diversify planting: Opt for a diverse range of vegetation across your site, including hedges, trees, shurbs and wildflowers. Prioritising native species wherever possible. This variety not only enhances visual appeal but also provides essential habitats and food sources for local wildlife.

Foster Wildflower Habitats: Create dedicated areas for native wildflowers. For properties with limited space pocket meadows in planters or troughs are a great solution. If you have a little more space, a wildflower meadow will provide habitats for a wide range of species and supercharge biodiversity.

Support No Mow May: Frequent mowing of grass and verges impacts the habitats of many pollinators. Holding back on the trimmers and lawn mowers in May and into June allows wildflowers to grow boosting nectar production and supporting pollinators.

Install living walls and other green solutions: Living walls are a space saving way to green up when space is literally and financially at a premium. Choosing a wide variety of plant species including flowering seasonal plants will help support Biodiversity. Biotecture can also offer other green solutions such as green roof cycle shelters for a space saving biodiversity boost.

Artificial habitats: Habitat boxes can support a wide range of species such as Birds, Bats, Hedgehogs, Butterflies, Bees, Amphibians, and Reptiles. They are easy to install and are cost effective way to boost biodiversity. They can also be integrated into Biotecture living walls.

Educate and Engage: Foster a culture of environmental awareness and engagement by educating employees and stakeholders about the importance of biodiversity conservation. Encourage active participation in green initiatives and empower individuals to make a positive impact on their surroundings.

Biotecture in partnership with Mitie Landscapes can offer a wide range of solutions to help you improve the biodiversity of your site from environmental management plans to full landscape construction.

Get in touch to find out more

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