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    To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.

    Audrey Hepburn

    Aston University Green Wall

    • Birmingham, United Kingdom
    • 2013
    • For Speller Metcalfe
    • 90m2

    Project Details

    • Planting wraps around a corner
    • Rainwater harvesting
    • University gained Platinum EcoCampus award

    This university green wall wraps around the corner of a brick building at the entrance to the university’s sports complex. On a public street, it creates a powerful impression for visitors and passers-by, and is a visible expression of Aston University’s commitment to sustainability, recognised by a Platinum EcoCampus award.

    Biotecture’s system was designed with high sustainability goals: the panels use 100% UK manufactured, closed loop recycled plastic materials, and the Aston University wall is irrigated with harvested rainwater. Moreover, the green wall provides an otherwise plain wall with visual interest and important habitat value even in mid-winter.

    If you would like to see other examples of Biotecture Living Green Walls at Universities, colleges and schools you can visit our education sector portfolio


    Achieving the Platinum EcoCampus award has given recognition and credibility to our aspiration to be recognised as a top 10 UK university for sustainability performance, internally within the university, across the sector, and beyond.

    Lynette Jones Environment and Sustainability Manager, Aston University