When choosing a living wall system, longevity is a key consideration. Our BioPanel cladding system was developed over 15 years ago, and it continues to be the most resilient option on the market today. Our robust system, combined with proactive maintenance programmes, ensures our living walls remain healthy in the long term.
In 2024, another batch of our living walls will turn 10 years old:
M&S Sevenoaks
The living walls at M&S’s Sevenoaks store were installed as part of a long-term plan to make M&S stores greener and more sustainable. The green walls maintain their lush cover all year round, and native plant species were chosen to boost biodiversity.
Biotecture’s maintenance package includes a 95% coverage guarantee to provide peace of mind. Our team also remotely monitors the irrigation daily to ensure any issues are dealt with before becoming a problem.

Biotecture Living Walls at M&S Sevenoaks
Winston Way Academy, Redbridge
This double-sided living wall on the boundary of Winston Way Academy captures road-related pollution, helping to improve air quality in the school grounds. It also has the added benefit of creating an attractive entrance to the school. The planting design is inspired by the spiral shapes of galaxies described by Edwin Hubble.
Our maintenance team carries out horticultural visits during the school holidays to avoid disruption on-site. This includes pruning, replacing plants where necessary, and servicing the irrigation systems.
Genesis Building, Plymouth
When installed in 2014, these living walls were the first to be installed in the South West. The building itself is a modern office block managed by Millfields Trust. The green walls help soften the building’s appearance, promote biodiversity, and improve air quality.
The BioPanel system acts as the rainscreen cladding on the building, replacing other cladding systems. It has been thoroughly tested, including undergoing CWCT testing for water tightness, impact, and wind resistance. BioPanel is the only evergreen living wall system to have undergone CWCT testing.
Coca-Cola HQ
This living wall at Coca-Cola’s UK headquarters in London creates a stunning backdrop for the building’s roof terrace. The plants were chosen to tolerate exposed conditions. The small-leaved, dense foliage of Soleirolia soleirolii contrasts beautifully with the long-leaved ferns and sedges.
Biotecture’s BioPanel system uses Grodan as a growing medium. Grodan, which has been used by agricultural growers for over 50 years, is perfect for living walls because it is thin, lightweight, extremely water-retentive, and does not degrade over time.
Creating a living wall that will last for years requires the right system combined with a proactive maintenance approach. Biotecture offers a full design, installation, and maintenance service for peace of mind.
Want more information? Read our blog on What to Consider When Specifying a Living Wall.